Thursday, October 09, 2008

Obama Plane

For any of you that read the Drudge Report, you'll know that I stole this story and picture from their website. Unlike Joe Biden, I'm giving credit to Drudge thereby avoiding the plagiarism that is so familiar to Sen. Biden.

A CBS Reporter recently wrote about his experiences traveling with the two campaigns. His observations of how the campaigns treated reporters and how they did scheduling is illuminating about the type of organization each man runs. Read the full story here.

To summarize, the Obama campaign was described this way: "[I] would love to have someone from Obama's campaign explain why the entire press corps, the Secret Service, and the local police idled for two hours in a Miami hotel parking lot recently because there was nothing to do and nowhere to go. It was not an isolated case."

In contrast, the McCain campaign was described this way: "The McCain folks are more helpful and generally friendly. The schedules are printed on actual books you can hold in your hand, read, and then plan accordingly. The press aides are more knowledgeable and useful to us in the news media. The events are designed with a better eye, and for the simple needs of the press corps. When he is available, John McCain is friendly and loquacious. Obama holds news conferences, but seldom banters with the reporters who've been following him for thousands of miles around the country. Go figure."

I think this gives us a glimpse into the type of man Obama is and the type of President he would be. It is unfortunate.

The funniest part of the article about the two campaigns? The CBS Reporter said that Obama's plane was smelly. Here is what he wrote: "The McCain campaign plane is better than Obama's, which is cramped, uncomfortable and smells terrible most of the time. Somehow the McCain folks manage to keep their charter clean, even where the press is seated."

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