Friday, October 22, 2010

And you were wondering what all the fuss is over a state legislature race in the southwestern corner of Ohio. After all, Mike Wilson will be only one of 99 state legislators. Why then is he the number two targeted nationwide race by Washington based DLCC? Why does Mike’s opponent plan to spend between $500,000 and $750,000 to defeat him? Read this article:,8599,2027031,00.html#ixzz136oeip29

The Washington based Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee [DLCC] is the organization behind about half of the smear ads attacking Mike; they describe the OH 28 race as “a crucial combat zone in one of this fall's hidden, high-impact battles: the fight for control of the state legislative chambers that next year will redraw the electoral map.” We have to return common sense conservative values to Columbus. If we allow the Democrats to control the Ohio House, we lose the Apportionment Board. If we don’t elect Kasich, Husted and Yost, we lose the Apportionment Board and allow the Democrats to redraw and control every state and congressional district in Ohio for the next 10 years.

Recently, the Ohio Elections Commission found probable cause that the TV ads targeting Mike Wilson contained false statments--lies. You know that we cannot match the Democrats financial resources in this race as they have an incumbent raising thousands from special interest groups with their snouts in the dirty trough of government money. But you should also know that it is not too late to help Mike Wilson defeat the uber-liberal, committed progressive Connie Pillich. We are still going door to door, there are sign waves scheduled, phone bank efforts are always in need of additional volunteers, outside poll workers on Election Day. To volunteer right now, contact

It is the strength of Mike’s message, the hard work of all our volunteers, and the support of everyone who wants a strong and vibrant Ohio that will make the difference in this race. Mike will win because Ohio Deserves Better.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Press Statement: "The Girl Who Found $100"

Rep. Connie Pillich and her mysterious alleged donation of $100 demonstrates how bizarre and twisted she and her colleagues have become in trying to hold onto power in Columbus and in the 28th House District Race.

Statement of Chairman Alex M. Triantafilou
“The latest political stunt by Rep. Pillich regarding a mysterious $100 bill supposedly mailed on her behalf can only leave voters in the 28th House District scratching their heads about the type of legislator she is and the type of campaign she is running. This afternoon, Rep. Pillich called a press conference to announce major, breaking, and critical information to the public and to her constituents. Allegedly, someone wrote a letter with a $100 cash donation to the opponents of a tax levy campaign claiming the donation came from her and according to news reports, it mysteriously ended up in Pillich’s mailbox instead of at its intended recipient. How convenient. Ms. Pillich then notified the press and attempted to make this a campaign issue. She also contacted the police department.

“In a universe where Pillich has left many of us scratching our heads at her decision-making for two years, today’s conspiratorial allegations have reached bizarre proportions—even for her. If one is to believe Ms. Pillich’s assertion, someone tried to set her up as being anti-tax by pretending to be her and making it seem like she was against a tax levy and then conveniently sent her the supposed evidence. Wouldn’t that be a stretch for a liberal Democrat?

“If one were to believe that Mike Wilson had anything to do with this, one would have to believe that Mr. Wilson hopes to paint Ms. Pillich as a person opposed to additional taxes. What planet does Ms. Pillich reside upon?

This bizarre, silly antic by Ms. Pillich and her supporters is exactly why we need serious change in the 28th House District.”

(For more background, click here.)

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Broken Government

This is the face of broken government. This is State Rep. Connie Pillich. Her shameful campaign for the 28th House District is the perfect embodiment of why America, the state, and our local governments are terribly broken.

The United States of America borrows 41 cents of every dollar it spends. We are financing our current out-of-control spending by leaving our children with a legacy of debt that is unconscionable. Our state faces an unprecedented $8 billion budget deficit after failed Governor Strickland used smoke-and-mirrors and federal stimulus dollars to balance budgets right up to the year of his potential re-election. Rep. Pillich and her ilk are co-conspirators.

This past week, Pillich and her big-spending, big-government friends in Columbus have begun a series of silly, baseless, and false attacks on Mike Wilson.

Here is how it works in modern American politics: A candidate with the courage to talk about trimming government comes under withering attack from the very special interest groups who have their snouts in the trough of government. Those feeding at the trough spend endless dollars to protect their right to continue to feed. It is shameful and immoral because it hurts the country. Yet, it continues.

In the 28th House District, Pillich is the embodiment of waste in government. She and her uber-liberal friends in Columbus have set this state on a path to have an $8 billion budget deficit. When candidate Mike Wilson offers real solutions based on actually trimming government in a responsible way, Pillich and those with their snouts in the trough go on the attack--and mercilessly.

If America is ever to recover from the path to destruction that liberal Democrats have placed us on, we're going to need to recognize the above scenario and reject those politicians who continue to scare people to win re-election.

I laugh when I hear liberals say that conservatives spread fear. They said these silly things right after the nutty terrorists killed thousands of innocent civilians on 9/11. I suppose we shouldn't be scared after that, huh?

But now, the fear campaigns come from people like Connie Pillich. Fear that veterans will be hurt. Fear that seniors will suffer. Fear, fear, fear. Nonsense.

It is my greatest hope that the legacy of the Tea Party movement and a resurgent Republican Party will be to stand-up to the fear mongering and actually have the courage to make the difficult political decisions to set our government on a course to fiscal sanity. We must not and cannot let people like Connie Pillich and her liberal friends deter our quest to bring government under control.

For more information on Mike Wilson and his quest to slay the beast of out-of-control spending and to bring Connie Pillich back home so she can't do further damage to the state, check out his website at:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Candidates 2010

John Kasich-Mary Taylor

Mike DeWine

David Yost

Jon Husted

Josh Mandel

Rob Portman

Steve Chabot

Jean Schmidt

Maureen O'Connor

Judith Ann Lanzinger

Paul E. Pfeifer

Sylvia Sieve Hendon

Pat Fischer

Shannon Jones

Deborah M. McKinney

Mike Wilson

Louis W. Blessing, Jr

Bob Mecklenborg

Mike Robison

Erik Nebergall

Jim Stith

Peter Stautberg

Ron Maag

Debe Terhar

Robert P. Ruehlman

John Andrew West

Ralph E. Winkler

Megan E. Shanahan

John Williams

Jon H. Sieve

Susan Laker Tolbert

Chris Monzel

Tom Brinkman, Jr.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

OPERATION: BOARD WALK - 2010 Early Voting

In 2008, over 26,000 cast their ballot at the Hamilton County Board of Elections downtown Cincinnati. And the results spoke for themselves, a massive early victory for the Democrats that left us with a severe vote deficit when the polls opened on Election Day. It is our goal this year to beat them at their own game with "Operation: Board Walk".

Join Rob Portman and Steve Chabot
for a Rally on Tuesday, Sept. 28th at 2:00 pm

Buses will depart from Harvest Home Park after the rally.
3961 North Bend Road
Cincinnati, OH 45211

Please be prepared to wait up to 3 hours in line at the Board of Elections. Legally the campaign cannot provide water or snacks so please bring anything you may need.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Christine O'Donnell, Etc.

The primary win by Christine O'Donnell in Delaware prompted phone calls to our Hamilton County (Ohio!) Republican HQ yesterday. Several of those calls were aimed at the "Republican Establishment." I suppose if you don't understand how things work, you would target our local HQ for these silly calls. A few were profane including a particularly fun voicemail that I saved. Let me make a few things clear to our friends here in Hamilton County: Your local GOP had NOTHING to do with the race in Delaware. We've got our hands full trying to elect our ticket in Hamilton County and in Ohio. The primary in Ohio ended in May (where the Hamilton County GOP did NOT endorse any candidate) and we're on to the business of trying to elect our GOP ticket against liberal Democrats.


Christine O'Donnell seems to be a fine candidate. It is interesting to see the "moderate" wing of the party go after her--just as the "conservative" wing of the party has gone after some candidates who are perceived as moderates. One thing that ought to be clear to anyone claiming a conspiracy: THE VOTERS DECIDE. John McCain was the nominee of the Party in 2008 after the voters made that choice. Christine O'Donnell is our Senate nominee in Delaware after the voters made that choice. There is no secret, backroom, smoke-filled-room deciding our nominees in these high profile races. Our GOP voters make these choices in the primary. From where I sit, we should support O'Donnell just as strongly as we supported McCain for President. These are the nominees of the Party. The Party has to be big enough for both McCain and O'Donnell. On that point, some might disagree. But that is why we have primaries. We have our ticket and now we go to battle.


I am concerned about a Senator from Delaware who exaggerates, plagiarizes, and misleads potential voters. He was selected by the President to be the Vice-President! Do you see the phony outrage about Christine O'Donnell? Compare it to the outrage at Vice President Biden's history of plagiarism and exaggeration in all of his public statements. It seems it's a problem when a conservative does it. But, when a liberal like Biden does it, you become Vice President.


Jim Tarbell supports the streetcar proposal. He can't be county commissioner.


Maggie and I attended the Gubernatorial debate in Columbus on Tuesday night. Kasich very plainly dominated the debate. I have one observation I want to share here. Gov. Strickland played the typical political games that politicians play in debates. He kept calling John Kasich "Congressman" (clearly to link him to the unpopular congress where Strickland himself served--even though John hasn't been there in 10 years and when John left, he left a balanced budget!). Strickland had a canned one-liner attacking John as being anti-Ohio by questioning whether John supported the Buckeyes in their recent game against the Miami (Florida) Hurricanes. All of this is nonsense. It is classic political gamesmanship that I HOPE the voters can see right through. John Kasich stayed above that silliness and didn't go for the "zing" that seems to be such a part of political debates. Isn't John right? Our state is in peril. Our way of life and the American dream is under assault from a political culture that breeds politicians without the courage to make difficult decisions. If these silly "zings" still score points--shame on us as political consumers. John Kasich has a clear vision for making Ohio a business-friendly state where businesses want to set-up-shop and create jobs. He articulated that very effectively in the debate. In the end, that's what it has to be about. Gov. Strickland played the typical political games that have become old and tired in a state that has collapsed under his watch. John Kasich is up in the polls and deserves to be Governor. Strickland and his old style brand of politics have failed.


Dave Yost will beat David Pepper. Pepper will spend a fortune to stop that from happening. But, even David Pepper can't push back this wave. And David Yost is a fantastic guy and a fantastic candidate.


The Reds are headed for the playoffs. Nobody is more excited about that than I am.


I watch MSNBC for Morning Joe. I hear things I disagree with and that's politically healthy.


It is fun to watch John Boehner get all this attention from the President. John is clearly a threat to the elite, left-wing power structure.


I've railed on this before. Isn't it funny how politicians use the words "pay for tax cuts?" Republicans should explain the folly of that language. Letting people keep more of the money they have earned is the default position--the normal state of affairs. Government doesn't "pay" for you to keep more of your own money. When the government cuts taxes, it lets you keep more of what you've earned. Government is not "paying" for anything. Government is keeping less of what already belongs to YOU. Liberals also use the word "investment" when they're spending your money and they use the word "revenue" when they're keeping more of your money or raising your taxes.


I went to the Indian Hill Tea Party this week. I go to Tea Party meetings regularly. The image some have of the Tea Party (and perpetrated by the media) is flawed. The Tea Party meetings are some of the most thoughtful, respectful, and well organized dialogues anywhere in politics. I think that liberals should go and listen to the message. The Indian Hill Tea Party talks of a return to the basic principles that made America a great country. They talk about the Constitution, freedom, and capitalism. Since when is that "fringe?" Don't be fooled by the naysayers. There is a reason these meetings fill-up the room.


Have a good Thursday.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Greek Night at the Phone Banks!

I hope you can join us tomorrow, Monday, September 13 at 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. as we make phone calls in support of our GOP Victory effort for this election cycle. I am hosting "Greek Night" at the phone banks featuring my Mom's homemade Greek baklava as a special treat for anyone willing to volunteer. Can I count on your support?

Here are the specifics:

What: Phone Banks in support of GOP candidates. We will make phone calls, socialize, and eat.

When: Monday, September 13, 2010 at 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Where: 8220 Northcreek Dr., Suite 210, Cincinnati, OH (45236). (Click here for Mapquest Information)

Why: To help Republicans!

I hope to see you tomorrow!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Presidential Failure, Etc.

It is far too soon to be counting out President Obama in 2012. The talk, today, of him being a one-term President is both premature and a waste of time. But the damage he is doing to the country with his far-left policies can be slowed by electing a Republican Congress. We have a chance to make a difference by electing Steve Chabot in the First Congressional District and re-electing Jean Schmidt in the Second Congressional District.


I've ignored the blog. Another apology to my two loyal readers. Consider following GOP events on Facebook ( or on Twitter (


Republicans who have a public role should be talking about the economy and jobs. Rob Portman and John Kasich have effectively stayed "on message." As much fun as it might be to chatter about Mosques near the WTC site or Koran-burning loons, the American people have real world problems with unemployment, low wages, and an ever-expanding government debt that will burden future generations. The rest is talk show nonsense that Republicans should avoid.


It is not the job of politicians to create jobs. It is the job of politicians to create a climate for private sector job-creation. This is the core of why I'm a Republican. Jobs are created by businesses--not by politicians or government. The Democrats don't get it. Most Republicans do. This is the fundamental difference between the parties.


Failed Gov. Ted Strickland does not understand the above. In fact, he does the opposite of the above. In what might be one of the silliest political advertisements in history, Gov. Strickland attacked a job-creating Ohio corporation in a political commercial. (Read the story here) A company called Invacare, headquartered in Lorain County, employs over 1,300 people. In this recession and Strickland-job-killing environment, that corporation has actually increased the number of people it employs. Yet, our Governor sought to attack the corporation, by name, in a campaign ad. Is this how this Governor intends to turn around Ohio? By attacking job-creating businesses?


Republicans should not be counting chickens or measuring for drapes--especially in Hamilton County. This is not the Republican-rich county it once was and I've preached that message to every candidate who has to run in this area. There are lots of great Hamilton County Republicans--they just happen to live in West Chester and Mason! This county is competitive and will continue to be competitive into the future. Any Republican taking Hamilton County for granted does so at their own peril.


I am very proud of the five GOP-endorsed judicial candidates running with opposition in this fall's campaign. I've watched these fine men and women coalesce and work together to achieve victory. Here is our slate of GOP-endorsed candidates running with opposition:

First Appellate District

Sylvia Sieve Hendon
Pat Fischer

Court of Common Pleas - Juvenile Division
John Williams

Court of Common Pleas - General Division
Megan E. Shanahan

Court of Common Pleas - Domestic Relations
Jon H. Sieve


Have you signed-on to help Chris Monzel? Consider doing so today at:


Want to see the GOP sample ballot? Visit our website by clicking here.


If my name were Driehaus, I would want to change it. But the baseless rumor that State Rep. Denise Driehaus wanted to change her name came to me from my colleague, the Democratic Party Chairman, this week when he openly complained about a rumor that I had never heard. (Click here to read the coverage). He further perpetuated the false rumor by issuing a media release on this very topic. It begs the question: Why the controversy or angst about such a rumor? Could it be that the Driehaus name, once so popular, is now a hindrance because of the horrendous voting record of Congressman Driehaus? Could it be that voting with Nancy Pelosi 94% of the time is unpopular in these parts? Could it be that voting for the massive government takeover of health care remains unpopular? Could be. Nevertheless, baseless rumors about Denise Driehaus potentially wanting to change her name should stop. A fair and open discussion about her voting record and her brother's failures in Washington will not.


Reds fans, like Republicans, should not be complacent. Our beloved Redlegs are slumping a bit after a red-hot August. I'm confident we'll come around and make our first playoff appearance in more than a decade.


Did you know that early voting starts on September 28, 2010? You can vote, for any reason, starting on that date. I know lots of people who can't wait to go and vote. For more information on early voting and on voting in general, click here.


Heading to Columbus today for a Kasich/Portman leadership meeting.


Can you take the day off and work the polls on Election Day? If you can take the day off of work and help us ALL DAY, please email us at


This coming Monday, September 13th, I'm hosting a Greek night at the phone banks. Join me at 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at 8220 Northcreek Dr., Suite 210 in Kenwood. I'll be featuring my Mother's homemade baklava. To RSVP, e-mail Debbie at


Lots happening and lots of places to get plugged-in and help us. I get lots of people who say, "What can I do to help?" Now is your chance! Volunteer opportunities are plenty. Call 513-381-5454 to get involved.


Have a great weekend.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

NRA, etc.

I haven't turned-in my NRA card, but I sure have been tempted. This venerable organization is a staunch defender of civil liberties and one that I and many others in the GOP support. On the 2010 gubernatorial endorsement--they flat blew-it. When a nation elects a President or a state elects a Governor, they elect more than one man or woman. They elect an ideology that permeates government at every level. When a Democratic governor is elected, his thousands of appointments to boards, commissions, judgeships, and other places within state government are filled with people who share this ideology. Governor Strickland is no different. For instance, Gov. Strickland has appointed several judges in Hamilton County since taking office in 2007. They are not and will not be staunch defenders of our civil liberties as espoused in the Second Amendment. They are ideologically liberal and, on their own, would never receive NRA support. I'm sure of it. The decision to endorse Mr. Strickland was short-sighted. I'll keep my NRA membership and hope they get it right in the future.


I'm sorry to my two loyal readers for ignoring the blog. It is easier to pop-off on Twitter and Facebook these days. And it takes less time.


The Redlegs, even when they lose, show a fighting spirit we haven't seen from any Cincinnati sports franchise in a long time. I'm "all in" with this ballclub and I'm hoping for victory in the fall both in politics and in baseball.


The momentum on our side is palpable and I'm energized by it. Whether it's a Republican club meeting, a Center-Right meeting, fundraisers, and especially Tea Party meetings, I'm seeing more people, more energy, and lots more enthusiasm. People are ready to take back our government from the leftist policies of the Administration.


The two Democrats who run the county commission have done great damage to the county since taking control four years ago. On their watch, we have closed jails in favor of hiring environmental czars. They have litigated and lost in front of the Supreme Court after the courts tried to reign-in their free-wheeling spending. They have hired outside consultants at taxpayer expense to the befuddlement of everyone watching. They have failed to lead on a solution to the stadium fund disaster. It has been a tumultuous and difficult four years under their leadership. Now, one of them, Mr. Pepper, wants a promotion. And they want him replaced by a fellow who has no idea how anything works outside of Over-the-Rhine. I've had enough and so should the voters. Vote Monzel in 2010!


I recently had an exchange on Facebook from someone who claims that the angst about President Obama is racially motivated. Who didn't see that coming? Ridiculous. It seems liberals have forgotten about what they did to President Bush. Was any person in modern politics ridiculed, belittled, and criticized as strongly as President Bush? Was he not called "an idiot" or "in-the-pocket of big oil," and everything else? How did liberals react when President Bush took the country to war? Not well. They strongly opposed him on policy, so they went after him in very personal tones that President Obama has not yet seen. That's what comes with being leader of the free world. President Obama is not immune because of his race. I'm not so naive as to think that there are not some people, still, who have a problem with the President strictly on race. They exist and shame on them. But we also shouldn't stifle political dialogue simply because the President has an African-American heritage. That would be as wrong as criticizing him for his race, alone. He won, fair and square, and is our nation's first African American President. Now he has to take the same lumps as every other President and that is a good thing for the country.


I'm reading Andre Agassi's book, Open. He's a liberal Democrat, but it is still a good story.


Looks like the streetcar received $25 million from the federal government. I've blogged about that plenty. I do have one question: Can it go up the steep hills to Clifton? Seriously. How does anything on tracks go up a steep hill? I'm not the expert, but I'm curious about how that works. Our County Engineer has the same questions.


________ (fill in the blank), a multi-millionaire, has left Ohio for Florida. I left it blank because you could fill that blank with lots of people other than LeBron James. Successful, wealthy Ohioans have been fleeing our state for years because the business and tax climate in Florida is far better. LeBron did the same thing! This is just one more job lost under failed Governor Strickland's watch. That puts us well over 400,000 jobs that have left this state under his watch; a miserable performance.


Mayor Mallory is off to China for the 2nd time in 6 months. It seems the taxpayers aren't footing that bill, thankfully. But with another looming budget crisis, a total inability to properly fund the pension, and the collection of other problems our city faces--the Mayor should travel less. Cincinnati is a great city, Mayor, stay here more!


Chad OchoCinco is great. For those who see what he is doing as a "distraction" from the real work of football, I say this: It is all entertainment and Chad is entertaining us year around in a different way. I like him.


September 28. Mark the date. It is the first date we can vote in Ohio. More on that, later.


Did you ever think I would link to the Daily Kos from this blog? I will today. Here is a concise, well-reasoned argument for why the Second Amendment is as worthy of support among liberals as the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment. If you have ever wondered why so many of us conservatives feel so strongly about guns, you need to read this post. Click here.


I've made sports predictions here before with little success. I shall not be deterred. Spain wins the Cup today.


Have a great Sunday.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Streetcar, Etc.

Cincinnatians oppose the streetcar plan by a 2-1 margin, according to an Enquirer story and a poll conducted this past week. See the article here. This is not a surprise. The city of Cincinnati has a major crisis with its pension and legacy costs. Is it legitimate to ask why a huge public works project that requires massive city debt is appropriate when the city can't meet its obligation to retirees? If the answer is "we need economic development to spur growth despite the pension problem"--then say it. Some of us are not automatically opposed to a sensible public transit system that serves as infrastructure for future economic development by the private sector. But I'm afraid the city hasn't made the case for this streetcar at this time. Sensible people ought to be open to the case being made, but so far, it hasn't been made. I oppose the plan and so do most Republicans.


The funeral service for Judge Stautberg was incredible. Julie was a wonderful person and her loss is immense.


Rand Paul would take this all back if he could. I have to believe that. I understand the philosophical argument from my Libertarian brethren. And I'm convinced that he is not a racist. But Dr. Paul got off-message and got improperly painted as out-of-touch. Yes, the media was unfair. Yes, he was making a philosophical point. We know how this "gotcha" political game works and we have to play it better than the other team. I predict he rebounds and holds this Senate seat for the GOP. Republicans everywhere should be talking about jobs, the economy, and spending. The rest is a distraction.


President Obama's handling of the BP oil spill has been terrible. This is a man-made catastrophe that should have a man-made solution. The Obama Administration has finger-pointed and dodged. President Bush got killed by the media after a natural catastrophe. Where is the outrage at this Administration's absolute bungling of this oil spill mess? If you don't see the double-standard, you're not paying attention.


Will Jim Tarbell's strong support for the unpopular streetcar proposal sell with county voters? Not a chance. Jim is an interesting character, but he is totally unfit for county government leadership. The voters will see through the shtick and vote for real leadership. Chris Monzel offers real, proven, conservative leadership.


Hey Sen. Specter, how did that party-switch work out for you? Maybe you should call Gov. Crist.


We had a great meeting with a couple of Tea Party leaders this past week. We will find places where we can work together and we have already. The patriots motivated by the Tea Party have brought new energy to conservatism and all Republicans should be happy about that.


If the GOP doesn't get 40% of the Hispanic vote in 2012, President Obama will be re-elected. How are we doing on that? Not so good--in my mind. We need to do lots better.


How about this Reds team?


We have been watching the so-called "Hamilton County Government Reform Task Force" very closely. There are serious problems with that group. More on this later.


Have a good week.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Judge Stautberg Arrangements


Friday, May 21st

Gilligan Funeral Home

2926 Woodburn Ave.

4pm – 8pm

Mass and Christian Burial:

Saturday, May 22nd

Summit Country Day School Chapel


Judge Stautberg

Rare for us to ever post anything from Democratic Party Chairman Burke, but this demonstrates the kind of person Judge Stautberg was and why so many of us loved and respected her.

Judge Julia Stautberg

Statement of Chairman Alex M. Triantafilou on the passing of Judge Julia Stautberg

"We are greatly saddened to learn of the passing of our dear friend Judge Julia Stautberg.

Julie Stautberg was a fine Judge and a great leader in our courts and in the legal community. Her work with Mental Health Court demonstrated her strong compassion for those suffering from mental disease that needed special attention from the criminal justice system. Her colleagues across the legal profession bestowed on her the great honor of electing her President of the Cincinnati Bar Association. These are only a few of Julie's many accomplishments.

Beyond her many professional accomplishments, Julie had many dear and wonderful friends.

She will be remembered by the many lives she touched with her warm smile and gracious demeanor.

On a personal note, Julie was a former colleague and a close friend. She will be missed a great deal.

Please join me in keeping Julie and her wonderful family in your prayers."

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Yalamanchili, Triantafilou, and Public Service.

This should be obvious: I will be supporting the Republican candidate in the 2nd Congressional District.

But a few words about David Krikorian and Surya Yalamanchili.

The Democratic Party is now dealing with Mr. Krikorian. There is a story in today's Enquirer about his disparaging remarks about his Democratic rival in the primary, Surya Yalamanchili. It appears Mr. Krikorian is disparaging Mr. Yalamanchili's name. To Mr. Yalamanchili, I say this: I feel your pain. On two counts. I have a name with a few extra vowels and I've dealt with Mr. Krikorian, too.

I have previously blogged about Mr. Krikorian and his candidacy.
  • I blogged in September 2008 that he was not a conservative and certainly not a Republican. Given his decision to run as a Democrat in 2010, I was right.

  • Later in 2008, I blogged about his ridiculous assertion that Rep. Schmidt was faking injuries she sustained after being struck by a vehicle during a jog. Read that here.

  • By the end of 2008, Mr. Krikorian had gone way over-the-line and decided to attack me by emailing my priest. I blogged about that, too.
I have no doubt that Mr. Krikorian will feel vindicated about being rejected by both parties. After all, most voters are independent. He shouldn't. If he seeks a home with my fellow conservatives in the Tea Party, they should ask him why he was supportive of ultra-liberal Victoria Wulsin and take a closer look at his quest for political office at all costs.

Serving in public office, especially in the Congress of the United States of America, is a high privilege and a distinct honor. It remains the greatest democratically elected legislative body in the world. Both parties and all citizens should strive to elect people of the highest character, intelligence, and integrity--even when we disagree. Those people should be grown-ups who have a vision for making our democracy work better and improving the lives of people.

Mr. Krikorian is unfit for public office and, in a very rare moment of bi-partisan agreement, I applaud Mr. Burke and the Democrats for rejecting him as well.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Media Release: Hamilton County GOP Staying Out of Primary


April 20, 2010

The Hamilton County Republican Party, through its Executive Committee, makes the following announcements:

1. The Hamilton County Republican Party chooses to make no official endorsements in any of the contested primaries at the county or state level. This includes races for elected office as well as state and county central committee. The Party intends to fully support whichever candidates emerge from the primary election of 2010.

2. The Hamilton County Republican Party did endorse the following judicial candidates who are unopposed in the primary, but who face Democratic opposition in the fall.

a. Judge Sylvia Sieve Hendon for Ohio First District Court of Appeals

b. Pat Fischer for Ohio First District Court of Appeals

c. John M. Williams for Juvenile Court

d. Megan E. Shanahan for Court of Common Pleas

e. Jon H. Sieve for Domestic Relations Court

3. The Hamilton County Republican Party recommended Christopher McDowell to the City of Cincinnati Elections Commission to serve as the Republican member of that body.

Statement of Chairman Alex M. Triantafilou

"I am pleased with the decisions of our Executive Committee. There are several spirited contests for seats at the state and county level and the Party has decided to leave these decisions to the voters without any endorsement from the Hamilton County GOP. We believe this decision gives us our best opportunity to embrace the new energy of fellow conservatives coming into politics because of the disastrous policies of the Democratic Party in Washington, D.C. We welcome that new energy and we look forward to working with the candidates who emerge from the May 4 primary. As for our judicial slate, I am proud of the slate we have endorsed as we continue a tradition of fielding strong candidates for judicial office."

Friday, April 16, 2010

Media Statement: Driehaus Vulgarity Criticized

"Rep. Driehaus' Vulgarity is Beneath the Office of United States Representative"

In a recent campaign e-mail seeking to raise funds, Rep. Steve Driehaus repeated a common vulgarity used by he and fellow liberals to describe the Tea Party movement. The term, not to be repeated here, is a slang term used to describe a sex act and the term is regularly used by the left to disparage those patriotic Americans moved to political action through the Tea Party movement. A simple Google-search of this slang phrase unveils the filthy sexual nature of the term. Make no mistake, Mr. Driehaus and his liberal friends use that term to regularly disparage the Tea Party movement and they do it on purpose.

Statement of Chairman Alex M. Triantafilou
"The citizens of the First Congressional District entrusted Mr. Driehaus with a position in the greatest democratic legislative body in the world. Today, Mr. Driehaus has disparaged the office he holds by describing a political movement using a disgusting sexual moniker that describes a sex act. Just a few weeks ago, Mr. Driehaus was offended when his children were inappropriately shown in a campaign advertisement. Is Mr. Driehaus prepared to explain his use of that phrase to the children of the First Congressional District? His conduct and his use of that phrase is beneath the dignity of his office. He should be ashamed of himself and he owes the patriots of the Tea Party movement and his constituents an apology."

For more information or comment, Chairman Triantafilou can be reached at 513-381-5454.

*Mr. Driehaus' email went out on April 15, 2010 and was referring to Sean Hannity's visit to the Tea Party rally. In the second sentence of the email, Mr. Driehaus writes, "Hannity and the Tea B****** ..." A copy is available upon request.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

NCAA Bracket Winners!

Congratulations to Lisa J. Caldemeyer, the winner of the Hamilton County GOP NCAA Bracket Challenge! Lisa is a Blue Devil herself having graduated from Duke University in 2003. She is doubly pleased today as her alma mater is the NCAA champ and she won our Bracket Challenge. Lisa is an attorney at Graydon Head and a friend to the Hamilton County GOP as she spent the summer of 2004 working as an intern.

Lisa will join the Chairman for lunch, soon.

We did have some confusion on the brackets and a few people made their selections using last year's link. That's ok. We have a winner, there, too. The winner is Humboldt R. Snooches III. Congratulations to Mr. Snooches. We're working to find that person right now.

Thanks to the over 160 people who participated. It was a great tournament and a great final game.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Democrat(ic) Money Burn: Health Care

It looks like the Democrats will pass this horrible legislation today. We can't be surprised. The Democrats hold large majorities in both chambers of the Congress. The most liberal Senator of the United States Senate was elected President. The American people elected this government.

There is not much that I can add to the debate and discussion about this behemoth legislation. But I can't resist.

My observations here are fairly simple and straightforward:
  • Americans of all political stripes need to understand that we have a government we can't afford. Yes, President Bush and Republicans contributed to that, but this President and this Congress have made them look like pikers.

  • I am very proud that Republicans have steadfastly stood against this bill.

  • The myth that Republicans do not want to reform our health care system is the most annoying part of this whole debate. The GOP members of Congress have a plan and have many ideas for improving the system. The mainstream media largely ignores it. Our candidates have not adequately touted it.

  • The small number of moronic protesters who made racially inappropriate remarks today in Washington should be condemned. This bill is bad for America and the liberal agenda of this very liberal President are unpopular and all of that has nothing to do with race. Those few inappropriate protesters hurt our cause.

  • Without even being there, I can guarantee that 99% of those protesting in Washington were civilized, respectful, and appropriate. I wish the war protesters and the Bush-haters had been this way. I have been around the Tea Party and 9/12'ers and they are patriots. The effort to paint that movement as fringe is wrong.

  • This thing is getting in the way of hoops.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Deem and Pass, etc.

The Democrats and Speaker Pelosi have now reached a new low. This so-called "deem and pass" process being contemplated by the Congress to force this health care bill down-the-throats of the American people is irresponsible and undemocratic. It has been interesting to watch the mainstream media come to that same conclusion. Read the Washington Post article here. This tactic has been used by Republicans, too. But never for such a significant piece of legislation. America cannot afford a new, behemoth, social program that will not control health care costs and will explode the deficit.


Will Vice President Biden's Cincinnati visit be enough to buy Steve Driehaus' vote for this debacle of a bill? We'll find out soon. Steve Driehaus is a liberal. He consistently votes with his leadership and he has forgotten his Cincinnati roots. It ought to be our greatest priority to bring him home from Washington before he and his liberal friends do more damage to the nation.


On January 29, 2009, I blogged about what America would see from our then-new President. Check out the blog post here. This gigantic step to the political left has caused conservatives to rise-up. That is good for America and good for our Republican cause. Weeks before the first meeting of the Tea Party movement, I wrote this:

"This country is taking a gigantic step to the political left at this moment in history. This is not the "change" America wanted. In America, the private sector creates jobs and people should keep more of their own money to spend for themselves. We should incentivize job creation and small business growth by cutting taxes. We should curb spending and limit the size of government. None of that thinking prevails in Washington or Columbus or Cincinnati City Hall these days."


Is anyone surprised Tiger Woods is playing in the Masters?


We had a great meeting with one of our GOP candidates for State Representative in the 32nd district, Erik Nebergall. Erik is a business owner and first-time candidate. He is exactly the type of person we ought to get into public life. His experience in business and his experience in raising his family give him great perspective about the role of government. If he wins his primary, he will face Rep. Mallory.


Baylor will not be in the Final Four. Kentucky will. So will Kansas. The little progr'm over there on Victory Parkway will make a quick exodus in Round 2 against a Big East team. The big program in Clifton has seen better days, but brighter days are ahead. And we have a football team.


A jury will get to decide whether serial killer Anthony Kirkland lives or dies. Today, Kirkland goes to court with two highly competent lawyers to fight for his life. Kirkland's victims never had that chance. To the jurors in that case, I would only say this: "If not him, who? And if not now, when?" Capital punishment is the law in Ohio and this demented evil killer should face the ultimate penalty contemplated by law.


When I hear citizens tell me, "both sides don't get it" in the political debate, I understand that more than I should. Sometimes, it feels that way to me, too. The future of the country and of our democracy is bigger than some of the squabbling and nonsense that we all engage in from time-to-time. What is the solution? Elect grown-ups to government. My daily goal is to find the next Rob Portman to put on our slate of candidates everywhere. People seeking elected office should be smart, honorable, principled, and mature. Anyone in public life and with a public role should aspire to that. I fall short sometimes and so do others. That doesn't mean we should give up.


Our Judicial Salute Fundraiser is right around the corner. Save April 22 on your calendar.


May 4th can't come fast enough.


I often hear people say, "I wasn't invited to that fundraiser." If you're willing to PAY, you're probably invited to everyone's fundraiser. Right? The best way to see which events you are "invited to" (all of them...), check out our Calendar of Events. Our calendar of events is a good place to see most of what is happening in Hamilton County GOP politics. If the candidates ask us, we put the events on the website. Even in this primary fight.


Here's a great article on President Obama's flip-flop on openness and democracy.


Opening Day is right around the corner.


Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hamilton County GOP: NCAA Tournament Challenge!

Again in 2010, the Hamilton County GOP is hosting an online NCAA bracket challenge.

Will Brian Redden, our 2009 winner, repeat as champ? Or, will Maggie Wuellner do the right thing, pick her beloved Muskies to lose early, and stand a chance to win? Could a Democrat win?

You will need to establish a CBS Sportsline account with your OWN User ID and Password. Once passed that, you will be prompted for a password to get into our bracket. That password is: elephant.

Join in the fun at:

The winner will be invited to lunch with Chairman Triantafilou!

This is being done for entertainment purposes only.

Friday, March 12, 2010


I reject the Democratic Party Chairman’s demand that Cincinnati City Councilman Monzel terminate the employment of one of his staffers based on a private e-mail. This e-mail, surreptitiously acquired by the city’s major liberal newspaper, was a private e-mail sent on personal time. The words and demeanor of the e-mail are not the type of political speech that I would have chosen, but this is a trivial matter not worthy of the taxpayer’s time. What is most disappointing is the focus on such a trivial matter during a period where our city and our region face significant challenges. Under the Democrats leadership nationally, statewide, and locally, we have seen the job market shrink as government expands. Citizens are demanding real leadership from government and playing political games based on one personal email is a waste of time.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ignoring the Blog, etc.

I've ignored the blog some, lately. We've had a crazy February. I've actually heard some minor complaints from my two loyal readers. I'll try to do better.


Why the picture of the airplane? I'm blogging from 35,000 feet somewhere over middle-America. In-flight Internet service may be the best technological advance, yet. I always marvel at what mankind can do when we let businesses innovate and create. Corporations, CEOs, businesses are not the enemy. They move us forward.


We had a tremendous Lincoln-Reagan Dinner. Our "paid in the park" number was over 600 attendees. A near record. Michele Bachmann was an outstanding speaker. More on her later. We are blessed to have a very committed and highly competent staff at GOP HQ. Debbie Flammer and Maggie Wuellner are top-notch. I don't get the credit--I inherited both. But they are outstanding servants to the party and their experience, demeanor, and dedication should be appreciated by all. We had one helluva party--and they get LOTs of credit.


The Lincoln-Reagan Dinner is always hosted and supported by the Hamilton County Republican Club. The "Big Club" as we fondly call it. Special thanks to Cheryl Vest, Bill Brown, and the other dedicated volunteers who made it a success.


Having been involved in local politics for well over a decade, I have had occasion to come up-close with many politicians. As an activist, volunteer and now as chairman, I get to see the candidates when they are not "on." I've seen some good, some bad, and some ugly. I've had a chance to spend some quality quiet time with some rather remarkable public figures. I have several favorites. President Bush, although I had only limited contact, was always "real." He would jab at you, maybe crab a little bit, but he was "real." And I always was impressed by his charisma. I admit--I liked him. My other two favorite people? The Bush twins. We spent quality time with them in 2004 and they were both so much fun. They were nice and very classy. Well, now I have two new favorite public people: Michele and Marcus Bachmann. I had a chance to really spend time with them over the last 24 hours and they were as nice and "real" and genuine as two people can be. I saw them up-close and I will be a fan for life. Sure, Rep. Bachmann is a tough conservative. She fights for what is right. But she is also a "lady" (yes, Sen. Specter). I enjoyed them both very much and it was a pleasure to have them here.


Want to know which public figures in the GOP I did not like up-close? Sorry. My two loyal readers know that I won't bash Republicans here. Even some who might deserve it. That's for others to do. But, there was this one time when....


Are there any primaries on our side this year?


I caught only a small part of the President's health care round table. We can't deny the President's political skills. The problem with the President and his liberal friends (like Nancy Pelosi) are the fundamental way they see government. It is an entirely different vision and one that simply can not work.


We continue to embrace those energized by the Tea Party. Our challenge is to field candidates who can earn their support. We'll keep trying locally.


I wish I were going to Goodyear, AZ. I'm not. But I wish.


If I hear one more person say, "I don't Twitter," I think I'm going to scream. My question is, "why not?" Twitter is the best source of regular news available. If setup properly, it will become the first website you visit every day. It is the best place for breaking news and provides a set of links to the latest and best stories available. Twitter is fantastic. I'm on Twitter at:


Still not sure if there are any primaries on the GOP side.


An off-duty policeman was shot last night in North College Hill. Early reports indicate that the shots were not fatal and he is expected to recover. We should all be grateful. Police Officers are special people doing important work. Keep this officer in your thoughts.


There is also breaking news of a devastating earthquake and the possibility of a tsunami. Another group of people to keep in our prayers.


Our Judicial Salute fundraiser is set for April 22, 2010. Save the date.




Have a great weekend.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Judicial Candidates

Here is our 2010 slate of judicial candidates:

First Appellate District

Sylvia Sieve Hendon
Pat Fischer

Court of Common Pleas - Juvenile Division
John Williams

Court of Common Pleas - General Division
Robert P. Ruehlman
John Andrew West
Ralph E. Winkler
Megan E. Shanahan

Court of Common Pleas - Domestic Relations
Susan Laker Tolbert
Jon H. Sieve

The Hamilton County Republican Party has a long history of endorsing well-qualified candidates for the courts. Our slate for 2010 is among the greatest we have assembled. Our slate is committed to the basic principle of judicial restraint and all possess the judicial philosophy that judges ought to follow the law--not make it. I look forward to a spirited campaign.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Want to Run for Office?

Running for public office is a serious commitment. Are you interested in stepping into the public arena? The filing deadline for public office is February 18, 2010 and we are actively screening candidates right now.

1. Judicial Races

Despite the steady rumor mill that seems to be such a part of judicial races, the judicial screening committee of the party has only selected ONE candidate--John Williams for Juvenile Court. Our screening committee is meeting in early February to recommend the GOP endorsement for other candidates. Are you interested in running for Judge? Forget the rumors, let us know immediately.

2. State House of Representatives Races

The job of a state representative is critically important to setting policy for state government. We have many great Republicans already serving in the State House, but we need more. We are actively screening for candidates against the Democrats. Here is a lineup of the local delegation by district:

28th -- Connie Pillich (D) is incumbent. (Three vying for GOP nomination in primary)
29th -- Lou Blessing (R) is incumbent.
30th -- Bob Mecklenborg (R) is incumbent.
31st -- Denise Driehaus (D) is incumbent. (One GOP candidate about to announce)
32nd -- Dale Mallory (D) is incumbent. (GOP actively screening for candidate)
33rd -- (No incumbent--Rep. Yates recently appointed as a Judge) (GOP actively screening)
34th -- Peter Stautberg (R) is incumbent.

For a map of the legislative districts, click here.

Are you interested in running in the 32nd or 33rd against the Democrat? Let us know immediately by contacting Maggie at

This year stands to be a strong year for conservatives, so step up and run. We stand a great chance to make gains!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chabot Ahead In Most Recent Polling

A recent SurveyUSA poll has Steve Chabot ahead of Steve Driehaus 59% to 36%--a 17% point lead for Steve Chabot!

SurveyUSA is among the most credible polling organizations in the nation. A recent study of polling accuracy rated SurveyUSA as 2nd in the country in accuracy ahead of such polling companies as Rasmussen, Mason-Dixon, and the Quinnipiac Poll. To view pollster ratings, click here.

This poll also measured President Obama's approval rating in the district. President Obama has an abysmal 42% approval rating with a whopping 55% of those polled disapproving of his job performance. These numbers mark serious trouble for Steve Driehaus because he has been a rubber-stamp for the liberal agenda of Nancy Pelosi and President Obama.

To read more coverage about this poll and what it means, check out this site.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Told ya so...

About one year ago, I wrote the below blog entry. At the risk of sounding immodest, I was spot-on.

Here it is for my two readers to enjoy, again:

Republished from January 29, 2009
Sometime just before Election Day last year, a close friend and Republican privately asked me, "Will Obama be THAT bad?" "Really, aren't the parties just the same?" "He is just one man and he seems smart and has new ideas." Many Americans (about 60 million) felt that way and elected President Obama.

In that private moment, I agreed with my friend on a few key things: (1) Obama is smart, (2) He has some fresh and interesting ideas that sound good when he says them, and (3) We need to do something because the country is sliding downward.

But, I then explained to him that voting for one man for President means much more than just a new face at the White House. When you vote for President, you vote for a political party and for a set of ideals and principles that the President's party promotes. The principles of his party are ultimately bad for America and begin a slide to the left that will be bad for the American dream well into the future.

I went on to explain that the Obama administration will empower and embolden a very left-of-center Nancy Pelosi. I explained that Obama will likely appoint federal judges that are soft on crime, against logical tort reform, and pro-abortion. I explained that the Obama team will bring in 6,000 new appointees across the government and a large majority of those people will possess the same values as Nancy Pelosi and her very liberal friends. I further predicted that the Democrats will do what they always do: tax and spend.

In the end, it is a slippery slope of liberalism that will slide this nation to the left in a way that hurts the country. The Obama legacy throughout government will be to appoint activist judges and to spend our great-great grandchildren's money on liberal pet projects.

Yesterday, we saw the biggest lurch to the left that we could ever imagine with this ridiculous, pork-laden, non-job-creating, wasteful stimulus package passed by Speaker Pelosi. I am proud of John Boehner and our Republicans and of 11 sensible Democrats who opposed the insanity. Our future as a party will be defined for us by the Democrats if they continue with this drunken spending of our money. George Will called the bill "an exercise in wretched excess." He could not be more right.

This country is taking a gigantic step to the political left at this moment in history. This is not the "change" America wanted. In America, the private sector creates jobs and people should keep more of their own money to spend for themselves. We should incentivize job creation and small business growth by cutting taxes. We should curb spending and limit the size of government. None of that thinking prevails in Washington or Columbus or Cincinnati City Hall these days.

It is a slippery slope that slides left.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today we celebrate the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King. It is fitting that we do so as his work changed America.

I blogged about Dr. King last year and about the debate regarding his political affiliation. Click here to read that.

Enjoy the holiday and remember Dr. King today.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Massachusetts as GOP territory? And...

Is the above state now a Republican stronghold? It might be. Massachusetts is on the brink of electing a Republican to fill the seat vacated by the passing of Sen. Ted Kennedy. This is good news on many levels for the GOP. Even if Scott Brown falls short, his candidacy is a wake-up call for the Democrats and for all of America. It sends the important message that average Americans are fed-up with the spending and out-of-control government in Washington. It also pokes a hole in the theory that the GOP is now a southern, regional party. The pendulum is swinging back fast and it couldn't be a better time. I'll predict a Scott Brown victory in Massachusetts.


The disaster in Haiti is biblical in its proportion. Consider helping the Haitian people in this tragedy by donating through the American Red Cross at You can also text the word "Haiti" to the number 90999 and this will donate $10 to the Red Cross. I did it. It was easy. And I'll do it again, today.


Congratulations to John Kasich and Mary Taylor for coming together to form a super-ticket for the November election. Failed Governor Ted Strickland is in big trouble because he is a traditional Democrat who believes that economic growth and prosperity are the job of government not the private sector. Free markets drive economic growth--not big government. By next year, failed Governor Strickland will find himself in the same predicament as thousands in Ohio under his watch. He will be unemployed. That's one job-loss that will do us all some good.


We continue to see a strong influx of great conservatives motivated by the Tea Party movement coming into our party. In Green Township on Wednesday night, one couple said to me, "we are off the couch and so are our neighbors." That is great news for our movement, our party, and our ideals. Changing America starts by electing leaders with the guts to make tough decisions and to have the support of the people to do so.


There is a very real angst among people in America right now that cannot be denied. In so many ways, the country is headed in the wrong direction. The same old solutions from the same old politicians has many people angry--and rightfully so. I share that angst. We have a government we can't afford. We have leaders who seem out-of-touch. We spend far too much money on far too many things outside the scope of what government ought to do. We have empowered the federal government to do things far beyond its original purpose. The challenge for the Republican Party is going to be to act DIFFERENTLY when we are empowered by the people to make decisions in government. Let's hope we've learned our lesson.


I had a nice discussion yesterday with Dr. Al Tuchfarber, a noted political scientist and pollster from the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Tuchfarber is predicting a huge year for the GOP. Although we all seem to keep hearing and feeling it, it was nice to have someone as scientifically skilled as Dr. Tuchfarber confirm much of what we believe for 2010.


Our ticket of judicial candidates is lining-up very nicely. Several new and exciting names have surfaced over the last few days and I couldn't be more excited. In a strong Republican year, I see us having another great year in the courthouse. And I anticipate picking-up a couple of seats, too. Look for some surprises there. The planning for our judicial salute fundraiser is well under way and our party is energized to win in 2010.


John Kasich announced his running mate selection via Twitter yesterday. If you're not on Twitter, do it right now. By "following" the right tweets, Twitter has become my best and fastest source of news and information. One glance at my Twitter page on my phone typically gives me all the news I need with links to learn more. It is an incredible tool of this generation and people who shun it do so at their own loss. We are in the greatest information age of all time and, as Republicans, we must embrace this new technology or fall behind and fall victim to the stodgy stereotypes that are improperly assigned to conservatives.


Justice Maureen O'Connor from the Ohio Supreme Court was in Cincinnati yesterday. It is always great to see the Justice. She delivered remarks to our Early Bird donors and to our Leadership Council. Justice O'Connor is running for Chief Justice--a position I expect her to win. Justice O'Connor won every single county (all 88!) in Ohio in 2008 and earned more votes than President Obama.


When do pitchers and catchers report?


Temperatures in the 40s this weekend. Is it too soon for a little D2D?


Have a great weekend.