Today, our country honors a great American civil rights leader with a national holiday. Martin Luther King, Jr. changed America with his charismatic leadership and strong convictions. He is properly remembered on this day.
I set out to write this blog entry hoping to repeat an assertion that I've heard time and again: Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. I wish I could have found evidence to support this, but I cannot. There is no strong evidence that this great man was a partisan of either party.
The assertion that he was a Republican comes from those that know the racist history of many in the Democratic Party in the middle of the 20th century including the "Dixiecrats" in the south. But, none of this proves that MLK was a Republican. I wish we could prove it. I am afraid we cannot. I urge anyone with greater information to post it here.
For an article arguing he was a Republican, click here. For an article challenging the notion, click here.
That debate may be interesting, but it should not take away from this special day. The Republican Party stands for equal opportunity and freedom for everyone. I think Dr. King would have approved.
Enjoy the day!