Sunday, February 06, 2011

Ronald Reagan: 100 years

Today marks 100 years since the day of President Ronald Reagan's birth. President Reagan receives much deserved praise from the GOP and I can't add much to that in this blog. But it is appropriate that his life and influence on the country and on our party be honored today. I'll do it by blogging. Reagan's work is not finished and, in fact, his vision sometimes fades in the face of those forces in America that forget what made us great. We need to keep fighting the Reagan revolution.


Sorry Steeler fans, but I'm going with the Packers today. I have a poor history of predicting sporting events on this blog, but I'm going with the Packers 28, Steelers 21. If you want to share your prediction today, go to Facebook or Twitter and do it.


I'm still getting lots of questions about the ongoing battle to preserve state law and officially have John Williams, the winner of the juvenile court race, seated into this important job. As of today, the Board of Election's attorneys are preparing to petition for an en banc hearing in the federal 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. This means that we're asking that all of the judges in the Circuit, not just three, hear this case. They will decide whether to hear it in a couple of weeks--or sooner. Right now, we're waiting. This complex case can be summarized in one sentence: they are trying to change the rules after the election and change the outcome they do not like.


My friend, Al Duebber, a Delhi Township Trustee has announced that he's not running again. I want to wish Al all the best. He has done a terrific job for the citizens of Delhi and his service has been honorable and commendable. Good luck, Al!


Will the budget debacle that we just witnessed at Cincinnati City Hall foster any changes to the city council in 2011? History tells us it will not. "Remember in November" works sometimes, but never seems to work in the city. City voters keep returning the same voices to city council then complain about the same results.


Speaking of city council, our Party will be endorsing a slate in early March. If you or someone you know is interested in running, let us know (


I haven't blogged in awhile. If my two readers are still out there, thanks for reading.


Government everywhere is going broke. Not enough of our elected leaders say this to you. We have a government we can't afford because spending is way out-of-line with revenue. The problem with government is that "revenue" means taxes. So, a draconian, painful, and unpopular series of cuts in government service are necessary. Here's the problem: elected leaders in both parties are terribly afraid to make those cuts because they will be punished in the next election. For political leaders in both parties, the only thing more important than balancing the budget is winning re-election. The politician who talks about cutting government in the serious ways it needs to be cut will inevitably feel the wrath of those voters who are hurt. It seems everyone thinks that "government waste" can be cut in a way that no pain will be felt. This is where an "adult conversation" with voters is most necessary. Cuts are necessary in every single aspect of the government.


Lots of behind-the-scenes work has been done with our new Governor to kill the wasteful Cincinnati streetcar proposal. That work continues.


I've been largely quiet in the face of some of the misinformation flowing from those ignorant of what is actually happening at the Board of Elections. The worst offender? Council member Cecil Thomas. As a citizen of this city, I'm disappointed with his fundamental misunderstanding of what is happening at our Board of Elections. I understand why the average citizen might misunderstand the complicated legal proceedings. I have tried to explain it to him, but he is incapable of understanding. I also understand why some use these proceedings to further their own agenda. But Cecil Thomas ought to know better. He should conduct himself as a reasonable public servant. He has hardly done that. He is terribly emotionally invested in this race in a way that is surprising. There is a legal process now playing-out and Mr. Thomas seems incapable or unwilling to understand it.


In Egypt, one political party has ruled for 30 years. There is no partisanship because it is banned by the government. There are no public disputes about policy. The situation begs the question: would those in the streets of Egypt want partisanship? Seems the answer is yes. Politicians sitting together at the State of the Union address forgot about the importance of a healthy, robust debate on issues that divide us. I'm in favor of partisanship and if Egypt had 30 years of partisanship by those battling for their own ideas, they might not be erupting in the streets. Just my two cents...


Township and municipal elections are happening throughout the county. Wonderful communities like Green Township, Colerain Township, Anderson Township, Norwood and so many others will be electing their leadership in 2011. Get involved in your community right now to make a difference.


The support of the Tea Party during this Board of Elections fiasco has been overwhelming. I am very thankful to every single person who has taken the time to attend our meetings and to support the rule of law.


Still afraid of Twitter and Facebook? If you're in politics, it is almost malpractice to not engage social media. The Egyptian revolution started there. It matters. It's not just for kids. And news is being made there every single day.


I miss George Stephanopoulos on Sunday mornings. I miss Tim Russert, still, even more. Christiane Amanpour is not getting it done. I would have picked Jake Tapper. David Gregory is fine. Chris Wallace is better. None of these guys is Tim Russert.


Opening Day 2011 is 52 days away from today. It can't come quickly enough.


Republican Headquarter is under serious construction. We are shrinking and remodeling. Look for an invitation to our grand opening, soon.


Have a great Sunday!