Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Democratic Big Government Run Amok

Meet Democratic member of the Ohio House of Representatives Peter S. Ujvagi. I didn't know of him until this morning. Rep. Ujvagi and several of his Democratic colleagues in the Ohio House, namely Representatives Phillips, Pryor, Murray, Koziura, Letson, Yuko, Chandler, Winburn, and Bolon, are part of the big government problem in Columbus.


While Ohio struggles with a budget crisis that threatens the very financial stability of this state, these Democrats have proposed some very important legislation in House Bill No. 45. What critical measures are these Representatives taking during our state's crisis? They want to make it a crime in Ohio if you fail to have your lights on while you have your windshield wipers on. I'm not joking. Check out their bill here. If you fail to have on your lights while you have on your wipers during any precipitation, you are committing a crime and face a fine under this proposed legislation. Unbelievable.

Is it prudent to have on your lights and wipers during a rain storm? Sure. Is it a "best practice?" Of course. Should big government punish you for not doing it? No way.

Our state is in terrible financial health. Non-partisan editorial boards across this state have been highly critical of this Governor and the Democrats in the state legislature for proposing (and the House passing) a budget that is completely irresponsible. The Columbus Dispatch, not a tool or arm of the GOP, chastised the Governor in an editorial on this topic. Read it here.

The state may go broke. We may be releasing more violent felons from our prisons. We can't punish child support offenders. But, we can certainly face a criminal fine for not having our lights on during a rain drizzle.

Democratic big government threatens our freedom every single day with ridiculous legislation like that proposed here by Rep. Ujvagi. The future of the GOP is in protecting freedom.