It's back to the grind today for most of us...and I couldn't be happier. If you love what you do, it's not work.
I will emcee the swearing-in ceremony of my good friend Greg Hartmann today. The Enquirer did a nice story on Hartmann and his background today. Read that story, here.
Patti Clancy begins her first day as Clerk of Courts today. Patti Clancy is the first female Clerk of Courts in Hamilton County history and I'm proud that she is a Republican. She will do a great job. Congratulations to Patti!
I am excited about 2009 locally. We have many great township, city, and village candidates running in our suburbs this year. I have at least one person interested in running for Mayor. I welcome suggestions on this. We also should have a strong slate of council candidates. We'll score some nice wins there this year.
Our Early Bird fundraising drive begins this week. The Early Bird program is critical to what we are as a Party and I urge all of our Early Birds to renew membership. We need you more than ever!
I feel sorry for the Palestinian people in Gaza. They are victims of Hamas--not of the Israeli response to Hamas' terrorism. Hamas has not served the poor citizens of Gaza well. The Palestinians in Gaza should make a change.There ought to be a solution to the Palestinian issue, but the terrorists have made it impossible to negotiate a lasting peace. Did you know that the Hamilton County GOP Chairman speaks out on these issues? Me, neither.
The Enquirer story on our 2010 candidate against Steve Driehaus mentioned the name of Nick Vehr as a "contender." Nick Vehr is categorically NOT interested in running for the Congress and he will not be running for office. His name should not have been mentioned as Nick is now running a successful business and is out of politics for good. Check out Nick's company here.
Will Roland Burris (Sen. Obama's replacement) go to Washington and be denied at the Capitol today? Wow.
My New Year's resolution, politically, is to be more positive about our Party and the future. Frankly, I think I've been better than most and I'm certainly more positive than the people who regularly comment negatively on this blog (and I'm talking about fellow Republicans). I urge you to do the same. If we only talk about what is wrong with Democrats and never talk about our positive vision for government, we'll be doing that from the minority for a long, long time. If we spend the next few years trying to convince the world why Democrats are bad, I'm afraid we'll go nowhere. Sure, we should fairly criticize when appropriate and the opposition party bears that responsibility. But, we should do so in a way that brings a focus back on why what we want as a party is better for America. We'll get there in time. I'm just going to get there by speaking positively about our message, our candidates, and our principles.
Have a great 2009!
The Enquirer story on our 2010 candidate against Steve Driehaus mentioned the name of Nick Vehr as a "contender." Nick Vehr is categorically NOT interested in running for the Congress and he will not be running for office. His name should not have been mentioned as Nick is now running a successful business and is out of politics for good. Check out Nick's company here.
Will Roland Burris (Sen. Obama's replacement) go to Washington and be denied at the Capitol today? Wow.
My New Year's resolution, politically, is to be more positive about our Party and the future. Frankly, I think I've been better than most and I'm certainly more positive than the people who regularly comment negatively on this blog (and I'm talking about fellow Republicans). I urge you to do the same. If we only talk about what is wrong with Democrats and never talk about our positive vision for government, we'll be doing that from the minority for a long, long time. If we spend the next few years trying to convince the world why Democrats are bad, I'm afraid we'll go nowhere. Sure, we should fairly criticize when appropriate and the opposition party bears that responsibility. But, we should do so in a way that brings a focus back on why what we want as a party is better for America. We'll get there in time. I'm just going to get there by speaking positively about our message, our candidates, and our principles.
Have a great 2009!