The energy is returning to the GOP and Rob Portman's campaign is a positive for the GOP, the state, and the country. Rob works across the aisle but never compromises his conservative values. Rob is a rare commodity in politics: I have never found a single person to say anything bad about him. I am personally committed to his campaign and was happy to publicly endorse him. He will be a superb candidate and, more importantly, an outstanding United States Senator.
I watched President Bush's 47-minute press conference and his appearance on Larry King Live. President Bush should be respected for his fundamental decency as a man and for his respect for the presidency. Instead of playing the name-calling, tit-for-tat, small-ball politics that his opponents played, he always respected the presidency. I respect him a great deal. Ray Cooklis wrote a very fair editorial yesterday in the Enquirer. Read it here.
The Mayor named Laketa Cole to chair the Finance Committee of the Cincinnati City Council. Is the fox watching the hen house?
I'm going to watch the inaugural on Tuesday. It will be historic. Swearing-in a new President is not a partisan event.
Our new website is close to launch. I'm excited about it.
Our Early Bird fundraising program is in high gear. Help us out with a donation. E-mail Maggie at maggien@hc-gop.org to participate in the Early Bird program.
Congratulations to my friend Don Robinson for his ascension to the presidency of the Green Township Republican Club. Donnie will do a great job because he is highly intelligent, organized, and motivated. I oughta know...he was my bailiff for three and a half years.
Our city council slate is coming together and we continue to have talks with candidates for Mayor. I can't wait to roll-out our slate and to offer the fine citizens of Cincinnati an alternative to the party in power in the city of Cincinnati.
Are you on Facebook, yet?
I'm proud of Republican governance during these tough economic times in Hamilton County. The balanced budget that was passed at the county commission was largely the work of Republican elected officials who worked within their county agencies to cut spending. This was painful and involved layoffs and other difficult austerity measures. Many Republicans exhibited real leadership at a time where it was necessary. I think even the two Democrats on the county commission would agree.
The year 2010 is already heating up as an interesting political year statewide. We have some powerful names and great candidates lining up. I'm ready for a comeback.
Have a great Thursday.