Thursday, October 02, 2008

Debate Watch Party Tonight, etc.

We are hosting another Debate Watch Party at the downtown HQ tonight. Phone banking starts at 7:00 p.m. and goes until 8:30 p.m. The Party starts at 8:30 with the Debate starting at 9:00. Plenty of food and beverages will be provided. Join us! RSVP to Debbie Flammer at or 513-381-5454.


I'm posting a little less often these days. We're in the thick of this election and the days are getting longer. I'll do my best to keep up.


Sen. Obama has had a good couple of days in the polls. We are not overreacting. We have a month to go and this thing is far from over. In fact, I will predict today that this crazy roller coaster election will take one more big swing and it will be in our direction. Sen. Obama has not yet crossed the threshold of electability. Sen. McCain is the most qualified man to run for President in a generation.


I have not blogged about much of what has transpired with the Ohio Secretary of State and some of the goings-on at the Board of Elections (BOE). I chair the BOE and I try to refrain from too much commentary in that area. I know this: the Hamilton County BOE is full of dedicated elections professionals from both sides of the aisle and I am confident that we are all working diligently to have a fair election. Our side is very ably lead by Party Vice-Chairman John Williams. Like 2004, I am again reminded of how hard those people work and what a great job they all do for Hamilton County.


Having been on-the-ground in the 2004 election has made this election cycle easier in many respects. Much of what we are seeing now from the Democrats, the media, and our own people has been seen before. In 2004, the radical groups like ACORN and ACT were out getting people's attention with voter registration efforts and certain political stunts designed to make us believe that they had more energy. This year, we see Obama supporters sleeping outside the Board of Elections and other such things. NONE of it matters in the end. We are using our very same get-out-the-vote effort and it is streamlined and improved in many respects. We have made 50% more voter contacts this year than we had at the same point in 2004. Our behind-the-scenes voter identification and voter contact models have worked for us, time and again. I am supremely confident in our efforts. It is the nature of Republicans to quietly, traditionally, methodically, and professionally go about our business. Our disciplined campaign is working hard to make results at the polls.


Signs. We have them. Lots of 'em. They are going fast. Call 513-381-5454 to get them. Or stop by our offices at 7th & Walnut near First Watch, or Chabot Headquarters on 3339 Harrison Ave in Cheviot, or in Kenwood at 8260 Northcreek Drive.


I attended the first meeting of the Wyoming Republican Club on Tuesday night. Wow. They had a great turnout of over 80 people. Vicki Zwissler and her boundless energy made this happen. Great work.


Our staff at HQ is stretched. The phones never stop ringing. Debbie, Patrick, and Maggie are working long days. Do you want to help out at HQ? Please contact Maggie Nafziger if we can get your help during the business day.