Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Quick Post...

We are 27 days out. Personally, there aren't enough hours in the day. Not complaining. Fighting for what I believe in the greatest democracy in the greatest country in the world is the privilege of a lifetime. But, the days get long.


I appeared before the leadership of C.O.A.S.T. last night. This group of conservatives care about our party. Although sometimes at odds with some of our important candidates, they are also a voice that is very important to our conservative mission. It is fair to say that I was "grilled"---well somewhat. C.O.A.S.T. cares about a "freedom agenda" and it is quite hard to disagree with much of what they discuss. They are rightfully upset about some of what the Republican Party has been about. As a Party, their voice is important and we should never lose sight of what separates us from the tax-and-spend big government, in-your-face liberalism that is very bad for our American democracy. Although somewhat on the hot seat, I enjoyed hearing the thoughts of this group. Our candidates should consider what they say as part of responsible governmental leadership.


I was honored to greet the President as he deplaned from Air Force One yesterday. Regardless of this President's popularity, there is nothing quite like seeing the leader of the free world in that setting. I was wholly honored to shake the hand of President Bush and commend him for his leadership on selecting good judges for the federal judiciary. President Bush came to town to discuss his judicial selections as part of his legacy. I was pleased to be a "greeter" for the President at the airport. History will judge this good man favorably. Of this, I am confident.


Gov. Palin will be at a rally on Thursday night in Wilmington. Try to go and see her! She has an electric personality and is great in person. E-mail Patrick Maloney or call HQ at 513.381.5454.


McCain is not leading in the polls. We know this. But, there are 27 days left. That is a LIFETIME in politics. Stay tuned. This thing will again narrow and the pendulum will swing for us and we're gonna win!


I can't say "thank you" enough to those hundreds (or thousands) that have helped us in this campaign already. I am always humbled by the good people that come out to help our candidates in these crucial times. We are lucky to have these great volunteers. To those that read this blog, THANK YOU.


Enjoy the debate tonight.