Friday, October 10, 2008

Hangin' with Sarah - *Updated*

Gov. Sarah Palin was in town this morning for a highly successful fundraising event. I was privileged to attend and even spend some time in a small roundtable discussion with the Governor.

She did NOT disappoint. She was charming, witty, and plain-spoken. Her remarks were totally on target and the audience loved her.

In a real highlight of the event, 11 year-old Anne Gerhardt, daughter of longtime Republican supporter Chip Gerhardt and a Down syndrome child, got to meet Governor Palin. Chip is a Board member of the National Down Syndrome Society and he and Gov. Palin had a chance to discuss the important work of this national group. Gov. Palin was gracious and extremely friendly to both young Anne and to Chip (she gets extra credit for being nice to Chip!). Joking aside, Gov. Palin was genuinely kind and generous with her time. She will be an incredible voice for special needs children once she is in the White House.

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