Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday Update

We have really seen a rush of enthusiasm for the G.O.P. and for conservative values in the last few months. The number of people approaching me and our party to get active has increased and that is great news. You also see conservatives charged up in the Tea Party movement and with the tremendous growth of C.O.A.S.T. Conservatism is alive and well and that is great news for the Republican Party and for America.


I laughed this morning at a headline in Politicker OH that quoted Republican Steve LaTourette as using the word "sphincter." Republicans can be funny, too. Check out the article and video by clicking here. Rep. LaTourette is a great Republican leader in the Congress.


We're very close to rolling out our candidate for Mayor. I'm excited about offering the citizens a conservative, common sense alternative to the current leadership at City Hall. Stay tuned.


Attorney Pat Fischer has agreed to chair our "Precinct Power Program" (P3). P3 is designed to train, energize, motivate and empower key precincts in Hamilton County to help Republicans get elected everywhere. We have a strategy and a plan to move forward. We welcome your input at


Our new website is up and running with some kinks: We're working them out. We "went live" with the website so that the fine citizens of the universe would not be deprived--for even one more minute--of the chance to see ME deliver a video introduction.


A person commenting on a blog posting recently described what we write here as "vapid drivel." My public school education meant I had to go to Vapid means: lacking or having lost life, sharpness, or flavor; insipid; flat. Drivel means: childish, silly, or meaningless talk or thinking; nonsense; twaddle. Thanks for keeping us thinking even though you think what we say is "twaddle." Oh, the haters.


I was disappointed to see that Commissioner Greg Hartmann did not get any Democratic support when he tried to defend property rights in Green Township. Greg's motion to pass a resolution supporting the development of the Green Township Legacy Place development failed for lack of a second at the most recent commissioner's meeting. Any surprise the Democrats played games with Greg's motion and failed to defend the will of the voters in Green Township? No. Ideology always trumps democracy with the liberals and our commissioners are no different. The voters of Green Township ought to know that their vote in support of Legacy Place over 2 years ago is being held up because of a liberal environmental agenda that now seems to be supported by the two Democrats on the County Commission. Is this how to spur economic development? Read the resolution and the resulting excuses offered by the Democrats, here.


How socialist is the Obama agenda? It is so socialist that even the Europeans are calling it a "road to hell." Check out the story here.


Rob Portman will be the next U.S. Senator from Ohio.


Go Muskies! I am a Xavier man down-the-line.


Have a great Thursday.