I'll resume blogging today by shining the Sunday Spotlight on Steve Chabot. Steve Chabot has a long history of public service to the city of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, and the nation.
Is there a more decent, honorable, committed and hard-working public servant anywhere? I doubt it. I can not say enough good things about what Steve Chabot has meant to my beloved west side community. Although his votes sometimes went astray of the "party line", they never swayed from his true conservative principles. Steve stood against tax increases and against spending--even when our party went hog-wild with spending. Steve stood with working people when he opposed corporate welfare just as he opposed government hand-outs to individuals. Steve stood for traditional American values and for life. Every person in politics ought to strive to be as honorable and decent as Steve Chabot. We should all be grateful for his service.
Steve was featured in a nice article in the Enquirer today. Read it by clicking here.
It is my greatest hope that Steve Chabot's career in public service is not over. I will work with Steve Chabot to further his goals in public service wherever he feels he can do the most good.
As I said in the article, if I have anything to do with it, Steve's work in public service is not finished.