Time and again, I have heard the young and old alike in our Party talk about the Internet and what it meant to the Obama campaign. I have received quite a bit of advice in the last few weeks and youth outreach using the Internet seems to be a consistent thread among every well-meaning advisor. This blog was a move in that direction when it was started in March of 2008.
The Hamilton County Republican Party now has an official group on Facebook. Facebook is the hottest social networking site on the web today. I have found it addicting and very worthwhile. Check it out.
Did you also know that we are on Twitter? I'll be updating on Twitter from Washington, D.C. later this week. To read a great article about Twitter and politics, click here.
Have a great Monday.
The Hamilton County Republican Party now has an official group on Facebook. Facebook is the hottest social networking site on the web today. I have found it addicting and very worthwhile. Check it out.
Did you also know that we are on Twitter? I'll be updating on Twitter from Washington, D.C. later this week. To read a great article about Twitter and politics, click here.
Have a great Monday.