***Media Release***
"Council Democratic Majority
Should Stop Trashing
Your Money With Hi-Tech Recycling Program"
A majority of Democrats on the Cincinnati city council voted to spend $3.5 million on new hi-tech recycling bins for city residents. The Cincinnati Enquirer reports that these hi-tech bins will have an ID tag that emits a radio frequency to city garbage collectors. Democratic council members Greg Harris, Laketa Cole, David Crowley, Roxanne Qualls, and Cecil Thomas voted this proposal out of the Finance Committee. It is expected to make it to the full council next week with Greg Harris possibly preparing to flip-flop on the issue after he supported it in the Finance Committee. This proposal to spend $3.5 million comes at a time where the citizens of the city are suffering severely in this economy and while the city prepares to layoff employees and is discussing "brown-outs" at city fire stations. Republican council members Leslie Ghiz and Chris Monzel strongly oppose this wasteful expenditure.
"The Democrats on the Cincinnati city council are clearly out-of-touch with what is happening in our great city. While everyone supports recycling, this decision to spend $3.5 million on hi-tech recycling bins at this point in our city's history is outrageous and every Cincinnatian regardless of political party should reject it. As the Mayor travels the world and his city manager prepares to possibly layoff firefighters and police officers, the Democratic majority on the city council acted "stupidly." Appointed member Greg Harris continues to disappoint citizens with his inability to stand for anything. We urge citizens to call City Hall and stop this ridiculous expenditure for hi-tech recycling bins."
For further information or a further statement, call Chairman Triantafilou at 513-381-5454.