President Obama is demonstrating his inexperience at the Washington game. Set aside what we Republicans know (namely that a public big-government bureaucracy to "fix" health care is a disaster) and consider the debate from a purely political standpoint. President Obama COULD get health care exactly as he likely wants it if he used his political clout and whatever political capital he has left. He has failed to lead. Instead of proposing a bill to the Congress, he outlined a few basic guidelines and left the debate to a divided Democratic party on the Hill. Exactly wrong. The President should have used his bully pulpit and his strong Democrat majorities to push for and pass a plan exactly as he wants it. That is what presidential leadership is all about. Would that be unpopular? Sure. Would it cost him a few points in the polls? Absolutely. But, that's leadership. Dare I say it? President Bush lead the country and spent his political capital on what he thought was right. The muddle you see now on health care is a product of President Obama's inexperience. That is good for the GOP and good for the country because a massive new federal entitlement that our grandchildren will never be able to afford is exactly the wrong medicine this economy needs.
Congrats to Maggie on her recent marriage to Mark. The wedding was fantastic. Hoping she can work on our AV program and the pink samples on the honeymoon. Not really.
One of our endorsed candidates for Cincinnati Public Schools Board of Education had to suddenly withdraw from this race for personal and family reasons. Todd McIntosh is a great guy and we're sorry that he will not be running. We wish him well. We still have a chance to make real change happen on the school board by electing Chris McDowell and John Banner.
One of my two loyal readers was disappointed I haven't blogged in awhile. I'll try to do a better job of keeping up.
Even though we are in the heat of the 2009 campaign, so much thought and energy is going into the 2010 races already. That is the nature of politics. The Hamilton County GOP is actively looking for candidates to run for an opening on the county commission. Interested? Let us know soon.
Steve Driehaus is shaping up to be my favorite one-term congressman. How bad has he been? The worst. Westsiders can't be pleased and I have good reason to believe he's in for a nice reminder next year about west side values. Nancy Pelosi doesn't sell in the 1st Congressional District and Driehaus has been her "sock puppet" (I stole that one!).
Have you seen the anger from the far left liberals against Obama? Rachel Maddow is leading the charge. Surprised they are turning on him so soon. The President is one of their own and his failure to lead is angering them.
Sam Wyche is contemplating a run for Congress as a Republican. See the Enquirer story here. I hope he does it. I had occasion to talk to Coach Wyche last fall when he did a bus tour of the area for Sen. McCain's campaign. He was engaging, smart, and funny. He would be a great congressman. He will have help from Cincinnati.
Sen. Sherrod Brown is part of the far left in Washington and he is insisting that any health care reform include a huge, costly "public option." Tax and spend.
A "kudos" to Greg Hartmann for his work on the county commission. He provided leadership during a difficult levy request process and worked effectively across the aisle to get things done. Greg's quiet leadership and conservative principles serve him very well--even in the minority on the county commission. We are lucky to have Greg there.
I try and keep up with Columbus politics by clicking here.
I'll admit to venturing away from Fox News more than I should. It is nice to see what the other side is saying. But, I never miss O'Reilly. Any fan of his knows that he is not a committed Republican. He is certainly conservative, but with an almost libertarian bent. He is "traditional" and just plain sensible. Despite his sometimes bombastic personality, the show is highly entertaining and informative. I DVR it and it is must-see TV for me. Along with Three's Company re-runs from TV Land.
Congratulations to Judge William Mallory for his appointment to the First District Court of Appeals. No partisan popping-off by me on this one--yet. There is time for that later. Tonight, I offer a heartfelt congratulations to my old colleague.
Have a great week.