I wonder if the Bush family will receive similar treatment from the media over the decades and years to come. The Bush family produced two U.S. Presidents. Prescott Bush was a United States Senator. Jeb Bush was a highly successful governor.
I'm using a Mac computer tonight for the first time. So far, so good. How tired are you of crashes, lockups, spyware, etc? It seems this is a superior product.
Fall is fast approaching and so is the fall campaign. Find a campaign and volunteer. We have great candidates running all over the county and they can all use your help.
Rep. Driehaus had his Green Township Democrats-only forum tonight. Some media called it a "town hall." That is simply false. This was an appearance before the Democratic club of Green Township and Driehaus restricted access by requiring tickets. We are in the process of trying to arrange a real Town Hall meeting and we'll keep readers posted.
The County budget crisis continues. I am proud of those Republicans who have stood tall and gotten by with less. They are tough times and these times call for real leadership. Commissioner Portune's photo-op with Joe Deters and Simon Leis is not what I mean.
Joe Deters won an award over this past weekend from the Parents of Murdered Children. That should come as no surprise to all of us who have watched Joe consistently perform at a high level in his role as our county prosecutor.
As Chairman of the Hamilton County Board of Elections, I am pleased that we worked in a bi-partisan basis to save taxpayer dollars by consolidating precincts. Our Deputy Director, Amy Searcy, is doing fantastic work at the Board.
Maggie Wuellner. Let us all get used to that.
I heard an interesting word tonight: stemwinder. One of the pundits described a Kennedy speech as a "stemwinder." What does it mean? According to Dictionary.com, it means: "a rousing speech, especially a stirring political address." I like it. I'm thinking Sen. Seitz is most likely to deliver a stemwinder in Hamilton County.
Dr. Wenstrup had a GREAT fundraiser on the rooftop of a great downtown building on Monday night. Special thanks to Tony Rosiello, Tina Glass, Greg Schroeder and all of the other people who made that event a great success.
Have a great finish to the week.