Thursday, April 03, 2008

Rebecca Prem Groppe

Our County Recorder, Rebecca Prem Groppe held an outstanding breakfast fundraiser yesterday morning. Great work Rebecca!

When I became your chairman, I vowed to look for candidates that were in public service to best serve the public interest. We are fortunate to have Rebecca in public service. She is an outstanding recorder and has greatly improved the delivery of services to citizens from her office.

In addition to her fine service to the public, she has been a loyal Republican. She supports our party, our candidates, and headquarters. Have you ever called Republican HQ only to find Rebecca answering the phone? Well, you just might! Rebecca will occasionally take time from her busy schedule to come and spell our staff from answering the phone at HQ. That kind of selfless behavior is just a small glimpse into the kind of team-player that Rebecca can be. I'm thrilled to have her among our "stable of stars" in the local Republican Party.

Please remember Rebecca with your time, money, and vote as she campaigns throughout the summer an fall.