Our blog battle continues today as we try and help the Freestore Foodbank. Click here to read yesterday's post and to participate.
Our three Republican Committees are coming along very nicely. I expect we'll have them working in a few weeks time to help move this party forward. Thank you to the many who have asked to participate. If you're interested, read about the committees here and then e-mail Margaret Nafziger at maggien@hc-gop.org.
We expect to certify the results of the election this week. It should be an interesting week.
President-elect Obama continues to name longtime Democratic operatives into important positions in his administration. One thing is clear: CHANGE is not part of what is happening. In fact, it is mostly a series of Clinton re-treads that are back into power in the federal government.
Do you watch Meet the Press anymore? I do--but reluctantly. That show is simply not the same without Tim Russert. NBC needs to retool, re-brand, and relaunch that show with a different theme and a new host. Is Katie Couric available?
One of my next initiatives as Chairman is to develop a youth outreach program. I have received several e-mails with ideas and I am mulling over the best way to proceed. We need to reach out to young voters in a way we have not done before. We will. Stay tuned.
I was honored to be invited to the White House for one of their holiday parties on Wednesday, December 3. I have set up a few meetings with Republicans in D.C. to discuss the future of this great party and what we can do in southwest Ohio to be helpful to the national cause. On a personal note, it will be nice to see President Bush one last time before he leaves office. He is a fine, decent, and honorable man that will be remembered by history as a man of strength and courage.
Cincinnati city council races are right around the corner. We'll be meeting soon to begin evaluating candidates and to field our slate for 2009. There are two incumbent council members dropping off of council this year and we have some strong candidates. Stay tuned.
Have a great Sunday.
Cincinnati city council races are right around the corner. We'll be meeting soon to begin evaluating candidates and to field our slate for 2009. There are two incumbent council members dropping off of council this year and we have some strong candidates. Stay tuned.
Have a great Sunday.