Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bloggin' from the Beach

Yes, I'm blogging from vacation. Not a big deal, really, as I use the Internet everyday anyway and I know how much everyone enjoys this blog and I don't want to deprive my loyal readers (both of them).


I'm vacationing in a highly Republican part of America. It feels great to be in such a beautiful place with great prosperity, safe streets, and great government. I've been coming here for years
and the locals are highly satisfied with their Republican government.


Barack H. Obama has "opted out" of federal financing for his presidential campaign. This decision is a classic Democrat flip-flop and demonstrates just the kind of person Obama will be if he is elected President. The campaign sent out an e-mail that said, "we declared our independence from the broken campaign finance system." Really? Not even close. He made this decision in an effort to buy the election by outspending John McCain. This self-proclaimed messiah who gives a nice speech and says on the opening page of his website that he wants to, "bring about real change in Washington" is NO different and is a flip-flopper to boot!


I've really built a dislike for this Obama message and the man himself. A few months ago, I thought he was an attractive candidate and, as a political observer, I was impressed by his political skills. No more. He's an empty suit and a true believing ideological liberal who will kill the American entrepreneurial spirit by promoting class warfare, raising taxes on prosperity, and imposing a radical social agenda on America.


Have you looked at the Newt Gingrich lead website called There is a "Drill here, Drill now" petition that I urge you to sign. Learn more about this movement by clicking here.


We're working on a new website at HQ. Email any thoughts or suggestion to Patrick Maloney.


Our CCW class is essentially full. We'll plan another one for anyone interested.


I'm going back to the beach.